Welcome to My website

My name is Christina Dooley and this page is about my life and the struggles I went through. I dedicate this site to my son Joshua.

I have a loving mother and a father and a stepmother.and i got 4 sisters and 1 brother and I have a boyfriend that I've known off and on for 20 years.

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my struggles

Posted: September 27, 2009 - Tina Dooley

I was diagnosed with a mental illness that is a challenge for me.the state took my son because of it.They told me I couldn't take care of him which is a lie.They told me I couldn't have any more.Ever since they took my son I went down hill with my mental illness.they like to play head games with people. They promise your kid back and they stab you in the back.

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First day blogging.
Mood:  Trippy
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Topic: How does this work?
This is a cooperative project between my boyfriend and I. Both of us are new to Blogging. We're just testing the waters and experimenting to see what we end up posting.We're also interested in what you'd have to say back to us.

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